Expected business conduct
1. Ethical Conduct and Applicability
a. Enemed Co Ltd (“Enemed”) expects that in supplying goods or services to it, its suppliers (the “Suppliers”) conduct their business in accordance with the standards outlined hereunder (the “Expected Standards”).
b. Suppliers are to conduct their business in accordance with the highest legal and ethical business practices. This includes acting with integrity, fairness, and transparency in all dealings with Enemed and third parties. For this purpose, Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws, regulations, and standards.
c. Enemed expects that its Suppliers ensure their group companies, employees, agents, subcontractors, and suppliers also adopt these Expected Standards.
d. These Expected Standards shall not amend, substitute, or replace any provisions included in any contract or other agreement entered into between Enemed and its Suppliers but rather establish the expected business conduct from Enemed’s Suppliers. For the avoidance of doubt, these Expected Standards shall not give rise to any contractual or other rights in favor of Enemed, its Suppliers, or any third parties.
2. AML/CFT, Sanctions, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
a. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to anti-money laundering (AML), combating the financing of terrorism (CFT), anti-bribery and corruption, sanctions, and international trade restrictions. Suppliers are expected to have robust risk-based arrangements to prevent financial crime and manage risks of non-compliance.
b. Suppliers should refrain from engaging in any business activities or transactions where they know or suspect links to money laundering, funding of terrorism, bribery and corruption, sanction evasion, or evasion of international trade restrictions.
3. Fair Labour Practices
a. Suppliers are expected to ensure fair treatment of their employees. They shall not engage in forced labour, child labour, human trafficking, or other forms of human rights abuse. Suppliers should strive to provide safe working conditions for workers, fair wages, and treat their workers with dignity and respect.
4. Environmental Responsibility
a. Suppliers are expected to conduct their operations in an environmentally responsible manner in compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, permits, approvals, and registrations. They should work to minimize negative environmental impacts on the community resulting from their business operations throughout their supply chain.
b. To the best of their abilities, Suppliers should identify, assess, and quantify detrimental environmental impacts arising from their operations. They should also identify measures to:
– Minimize waste generation and adopt proper waste management processes.
– Reduce water consumption.
– Manage the handling, movement, storage, and use of hazardous substances and chemicals effectively.
– Promote reuse and recycling initiatives.