November 1, 2021

Stqarrija għall-istampa / Press release

Ftit wara nofsinhar tekniċi tal-Enemed innutaw pitrolju ħiereġ mill-impjant li jitratta l-ilma tax-xita li jinġabar madwar it-tankijiet tal-ħażna tal-fjuwil ġewwa l-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta.  Hekk kif dan ġie nnutat, mill-ewwel ittieħdu l-passi neċessarji biex jingħalaq is-sors ħalli dan il-fjuwil ma jibqax ħiereġ ‘il barra.

Fiż-żona ristretta tal-ajruport beda l-proċess ta’ tindif.  Ilma mħallat bil-pitrolju ħareġ miż-żona tal-ajruport għal ġo triq pubblika fiż-żona ta’ Ħal Farruġ.  Dan il-fatt ġie rrappurtat lis-Sezzjoni tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili li mill-ewwel marru fuq il-post u għalqu t-triq.

L-Enemed ikkooperat mas-CPD billi bagħtet materjal apposta ħalli jkun jista’ jinġabar dan l-ilma kkontaminat bil-pitrolju.


Kerosene fuel was noticed by Enemed personnel escaping from the rain water treatment plant within the fuel storage facility at the Malta International Airport.  As soon as this was noticed, the necessary measures were taken to shut off the source so that this leak was stopped.

The cleaning process was initiated within the restricted zone inside the airport.  Water contaminated with kerosene escaped out of the airport zone into a public road in the Ħal Farruġ area.  This was reported to the CPD who immediately went on site and closed the road for traffic.

Enemed cooperated with the CPD by sending the necessary material and equipment in order that this contaminated water could be collected.

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